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Customs and Border Protection is Hiring Agriculture Specialists

Release Date
Thu, 06/27/2019

BALTIMORE – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is taking applications for agriculture specialist positions starting July 1 for assignment across the United States, including at Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington Dulles International Airport. This is a limited-time opportunity; it will close once CBP reaches 400 applicants.

A CBP agriculture specialist examines plantains to enusre they are insect pest and disease free for import into the United States. CBP agriculture specialists safeguard American agriculture by preventing the introduction of harmful exotic plant pests and foreign animal diseases, and potential agriculture/biological-terrorism into the United States while facilitating legitimate trade and travel.

Applicants must have successfully completed a bachelor's or higher degree that includes a major field of study in biological sciences, or have completed at least 24 semester hours in biological sciences, agriculture, natural resource management, chemistry or a related discipline and have appropriate work experience.

Read more about the role, responsibilities and experience requirements of CBP agriculture specialists. Search for the CBP agriculture specialists hiring announcement at or visit Apply Now to start your application process.

“Customs and Border Protection’s agriculture protection mission is one of our most critical missions and plays an essential role in ensuring our nation’s economic prosperity,” said Casey Durst, CBP’s Director of Field Operations in Baltimore. “CBP agriculture specialists play a vital homeland security role on our nation’s frontline by intercepting foreign plant and animal diseases, and invasive insects that pose significant threats to our, forest, livestock and crop industries.

Applicants must be a U.S. citizen and resident for the last three years, have a valid driver's license, pass a medical examination, and fitness and drug tests.  Applicants must also pass a thorough background investigation and polygraph examination.

Agriculture specialist is a career ladder position with a grade level progression of GS-5, GS-7, GS-9, GS-11, and GS-12. Agriculture Specialists are eligible for a non-competitive promotion to the next higher grade level -- without re-applying and with supervisor approval -- once you successfully complete one year in your present grade level.

At the GS-13 level and beyond, you compete for positions and are promoted based on merit. Each movement on the career ladder brings a significant pay boost.

View the general services basic and locality pay scales for locations across the United States.

In addition to basic pay and locality pay, CBP agriculture specialists are eligible for night differential pay, holiday pay and up to $45,000 in overtime pay.

For local recruiting questions, contact

Visit CBP Careers for information on other career opportunities. Follow @CBPJobs on Twitter for the latest news on hiring events near your town. Learn more about what CBP accomplished during "A Typical Day" in 2018.

It’s not too late to reset your goal of a better professional future. Apply today to become a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agriculture specialist.

Last Modified: Mar 03, 2022

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