DEL RIO, Texas—U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Field Operations (OFO) at the Del Rio Port of Entry is now ready to assist applicants in applying for the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection or SENTRI program. SENTRI is a CBP Trusted Traveler Program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers entering the United States. Participants may enter the U.S. using dedicated lanes at participating southern land-border ports.
Travelers must be pre-approved for the SENTRI program. All applicants undergo a rigorous background check and in-person interview as part of the enrollment process.

SENTRI-Global Entry Enrollment Center that
recently came online at Del Rio Port of Entry.
The SENTRI Enrollment Center is located at the Del Rio Port of Entry (3140 Spur 239, Del Rio, TX 78840) near the East side of the pedestrian walkway. Applications may be made online or in person at the enrollment center. The cost for participation in the SENTRI program is $122.25 per person (children 14 and under are free) and is valid for five years. Air travelers that are interested in the Global Entry program, a Trusted Traveler Program in the international airport environment, that apply online may also have their in-person interviews conducted at the enrollment center. The hours of operation for the Del Rio Port of Entry SENTRI-Global Entry Enrollment Center are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
“I am excited to announce that the Del Rio Port of Entry is bringing the Trusted Traveler Program to the communities of Del Rio and Ciudad Acuña. This is a program that will enhance and facilitate travel for the Trusted Traveler participants through the port of entry and any other participating international crossing. I encourage travelers to explore the different Trusted Traveler Programs,” said Port Director Liliana Flores, Del Rio Port of Entry.
A link to the Trusted Traveler Program online application process is found here.
For more information online regarding the SENTRI application process, please visit the following link.