Beetles can become a serious pests threatening U.S. vital agriculture resources
LOS ANGELES – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists assigned to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) discovered 37 live beetles concealed inside of multiple packages of Japanese snacks, potato chips, and chocolate. The contraband valued at $1,480 USD was discovered by CBP agriculture specialists during a physical examination of a shipment arriving from Japan via air cargo last month.
“They may look harmless but in reality, smuggled beetles pose a significant threat to our vital agriculture resources,” said Cheryl M. Davies, CBP Director of Field Operations in Los Angeles. “Beetles can become a serious pest by eating plants, leaves, and roots and by laying eggs on tree bark which damages our forests.”
Sought after by collectors and enthusiasts, exotic insects are in highly popular. Sold online and underground sources, the illegal trade of exotic insects bring hefty profits for those willing to take the risk of circumventing U.S. laws and regulations.
Importing live insects into the U.S., require a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) permit, or a letter issued by PPQ Plants, Pathogens and Biocontrol unit.
“CBP agriculture specialists combine their scientific knowledge of harmful pests and plant diseases with their expertise in detecting and intercepting these threats before their enter our country,” said Andrew H. Douglas, CBP LAX Port Director. “We are very proud of their contributions to our national security mission.”
The seized beetles were turned over to USDA officials. USDA determines the final destination of the insects, likely donated to local Zoos that have permits for such live insects or preserved them for local insect collection.
To learn more about CBP’s agriculture mission, visit: Protecting Agriculture.
Nationwide on a typical day in 2023, CBP agriculture specialists seize more than 3,287 prohibited plants, meat and animal byproducts and intercept over 231 agricultural pests that could potentially harm America’s agricultural resources.