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El Paso Border Wall Project to Begin

Release Date
Fri, 09/21/2018

EL PASO, Texas – As part of the President's Executive Order 13767, and at the direction of the Secretary of Homeland Security, construction for replacement of existing pedestrian fencing in El Paso with new steel bollard wall will begin on Saturday, September 22.

“This new wall will be far more durable and far more effective in deterring would-be illegal entrants,” said Chief Patrol Agent Aaron A. Hull, U.S. Border Patrol, El Paso Sector.

CBP awarded a construction contract June 1, 2018 to West Point Contractors of Tucson, Arizona. The location of the border wall project will be a four-mile section of existing chain link and expanded metal fence beginning just west of the Paso Del Norte international crossing and extending east to the Fonseca Road area. The existing barrier will be removed and an 18 foot high steel bollard wall will be constructed in its place. The construction project is expected to be completed in late April 2019. The estimated cost for this project is $22 million.

The ability to see through into Mexico is a concept supported by the steel bollard wall included in this project. The bollard design wall has proved beneficial to the Border Patrol to detect illegal entries and the smuggling of narcotics into the United States by providing situational awareness of activity south of the wall.

El Paso Sector continues to experience a high number of apprehensions of illegal aliens and drug smuggling. In fiscal year 2017, El Paso Sector apprehended 25,193 illegal aliens, seized 34,189 pounds of marijuana and 140 pounds of cocaine. Additionally during that fiscal year, there were 54 assaults against El Paso Sector agents.

Leadership within El Paso Sector has made great efforts to collaborate with local and state authorities to address any issues that may occur during the construction period.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is committed to environmental and cultural stewardship. Concerns regarding environmental impacts have been and are continuously being considered to ensure the least possible disturbance to natural habitats and the environment. CBP works diligently to integrate responsible environmental practices – including incorporating sustainable practices – into all aspects of our decision-making and operations.

The operational control of the border is of highest priority for El Paso Sector Border Patrol.  With the construction of the replacement wall, agents will be better equipped to complete their mission.

Last Modified: Apr 07, 2021