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  4. El Paso CBP Officers Seize Large Amount of Drugs in September

El Paso CBP Officers Seize Large Amount of Drugs in September

Release Date
Wed, 10/07/2020

EL PASO, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers within the El Paso Field Office had a busy month in September seizing a large amount of drugs. The El Paso Field Office encompasses ports of entry in West Texas and New Mexico.

There were over 70 drug seizures in September; the narcotics included marijuana, cocaine, meth, heroin, and fentanyl. The seizures totaled 1,385.6 pounds of marijuana, 761 pounds of methamphetamine, 77.8 pounds of cocaine, 23.8 pounds of heroin, and 3.3 pounds of fentanyl. CBP Officers use their extensive training, experience, and tools to detect these smuggling attempts. Some of the tools used to thwart smuggling attempts are drug-sniffing dogs and X-ray machines.

“Even in the difficult times, CBP Officers demonstrate commitment and vigilance to prevent harmful drugs from crossing the border and entering our communities, “said CBP El Paso Director of Field Operations, Hector A. Mancha.

Although the country has been swept by the current pandemic, drug smuggling attempts have not stopped; CBP Officers remain committed to their mission of securing the Nation’s borders.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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