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  4. Final Update: All Areas of San Ysidro, Calif. Border Crossing Reopened

Final Update: All Areas of San Ysidro, Calif. Border Crossing Reopened

Release Date
Sun, 09/18/2011

San Diego - U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials announced that at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday all of vehicle traffic lanes at the San Ysidro, Calif. port of entry were available for processing travelers.

CBP officials overnight reopened the three additional lanes northbound at the San Ysidro crossing for vehicle processing meaning that all of the areas of the port of entry were re-opened following Wednesday's construction accident.

CBP officials have been working with officials in Mexico and on coordinated the reopening of the approaches in Mexico that lead to the eastern side of the port of entry.

Vehicle traffic can still cross at either the Otay Mesa or Tecate ports as well.

To alleviate possible traffic congestion through the weekend from the Mexican Independence holiday and exacerbated by Wednesday's incident, CBP will continue to operate the following contingency operations through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, with normal hours and operations resuming on Monday:

CBP officers continue to remain vigilant in preventing any attempts at illegal activity at the nation's busiest border entry.

Travelers can get updated information about changing traffic patterns and border wait times by calling (619) 690-8999 (San Ysidro border crossing) and (619) 671-8999 (Otay Mesa border crossing).

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021