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Havre High School's Leadership Club Visits Havre Border Patrol Station

Release Date
Wed, 01/27/2010

Havre, Mont. - On Tuesday, students and counselors from Havre's Leadership High School program visited the Havre Border Patrol Station for a tour and presentation. Leadership Coordinators Brent Reber of the Credit Bureau of Havre and Craig Tilleman of Tilleman Motors, Executive Director of the Havre Area Chamber of Commerce Debbie Vandeberg, and Havre High School Counselor Kay Nessland accompanied the group on their "Justice, Order, and Politics" tour.

Leadership High School is a program of the Havre Area Chamber of Commerce and is endorsed by the Havre Public Schools. The purpose of the Leadership High School is to recognize potential young leaders and to develop them by providing opportunities to learn by participation and from examples from the community. This is accomplished by giving students insight into the community, getting them involved in issues and the decision making process, by encouraging them to appreciate and respect diversity and to understand the importance of planning and goal setting. The program helps potential leaders become effective leaders.

Havre Station Patrol Agent in Charge Michael Stewart said, "We were happy to participate in this event. The Border Patrol places a high priority on maintaining partnerships with the community, and we were honored to be involved with the education and development of these students."

Agent Stewart led the group on a tour of the station, showing off the new facility and the equipment and vehicles. The group then received a presentation that covered the Border Patrol's mission, history, and duties, as well as information on career opportunities.

The "Justice, Order, and Politics" event was a day to learn more about Havre's history and an opportunity to learn firsthand about the economic forces of the area and their effect on the community. The students experienced the how local government and courts work through participation in a mock trial. They visited local law enforcement agencies and the fire department, and learned about and their roles in society.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021