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Houlton Border Patrol Explorers Collect 1,820 pounds of Food Donations

Release Date
Wed, 11/04/2020

Border Patrol RSDV with over 1800 lbs. of donated food.  Photo by USBP Houlton SectorHoulton, Maine- Houlton Station Border Patrol Agents and Border Patrol Explorer Post 1820 towed their Reconcraft 21’ RSDV boat down to Andy’s IGA in Houlton for the 2nd annual “Sink the Boat, Flood the Food Pantry” food drive on October 31. 

The Border Patrol Explorers were dressed in the USBP Marine foul weather gear due to the blustery conditions on this fall day.  They split up into two groups to conquer the mission of accepting donations and directing traffic to the donation area.  Handmade signs were used to convey the messages of “Sink the Boat, Flood the Food Pantry” and “Thank You for Your Support”.  It was a trying time for some of the more timid Explorers, as they all worked on their public speaking by soliciting for donations and advising the public on what Border Patrol Explorers do for their community. 

Houlton Explorer Post 1820 collected 1,820 pounds of food donations for a local food pantry on October 31, 2020.  Photo: USBP Houlton Sector The fine citizens of Houlton and the surrounding areas donated over 1800 pounds of food and over $750 in monetary donations. The Explorers were able to use the monies collected to purchase an extra 300 pounds of food.  The receipt from the purchase was over eight feet long!  The final weight of donated food was 1822 pounds. 

A special thanks goes out to Andy Marino who donated the first 300 pounds of food and allowed the Explorer Post to conduct the food drive at his business. 

The food was donated to the Houlton Branch Salvation Army for use by the less fortunate in Aroostook County.   

“Houlton Post 1820 is small in comparison to other Border Patrol Explorer Posts, but we have some great kids who are always willing to help the community,” said Lead Advisor Sean Morris.

Nationwide, the Border Patrol sponsors approximately 50 Explorer Posts with nearly 1,000 Explorers.  For more information about Law Enforcement Exploring or to find a local Post, contact your local Scouts of America Council. 


Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021