LAREDO, TEXAS – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Field Operations, Laredo Port of Entry officials would like to advise the traveling public that all vehicular traffic at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge will be temporarily halted the morning of Feb. 17 in order to host the International Bridge Ceremony (also known as the Abrazo Ceremony) and to adjust travel plans accordingly or use alternate bridges during the affected period.

and Nuevo Laredo pose with U.S.,
Mexican flags after exchanging abrazos
(hugs) during a recent International
Bridge Ceremony held at Juarez-
Lincoln Bridge during the Washington's
Birthday Celebration in Laredo, Texas.
“Each year vehicular traffic is temporarily suspended at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge for a few hours in order to host the Abrazo Ceremony,” said Port Director Alberto Flores, Laredo Port of Entry. “We strongly urge the traveling public to plan ahead, cross earlier or later or consider using alternate crossings such as Colombia-Solidarity Bridge during that period to avoid unnecessary delays.”
Southbound and northbound traffic at Juarez-Lincoln Bridge will begin to shut down starting at 5 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 17 in order to allow for the construction of the stage for the International Bridge Ceremony. It is anticipated that traffic will resume at the conclusion of the International Bridge ceremony at approximately 9 a.m.
The traveling public may consider planning their travel earlier or later or consider utilizing Gateway to the Americas Bridge for pedestrian traffic or Colombia-Solidarity Bridge for vehicular traffic during that period.