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Laredo Sector Border Patrol Commenced Citizens Academy

Release Date
Tue, 10/03/2017

LAREDO, Texas – On September 26, 2017, the United States Border Patrol commenced the eight-week Fall Session of the Laredo Sector Citizens Academy for members of the Laredo community. The participants will meet one evening per week for eight weeks. The purpose of the academy is to give area residents a better understanding of the Border Patrol mission and how agents carry out their duties. Students in the current academy class include local leaders, business owners, college students, local ranch owners, educators and media representatives.

Students in the current academy class include local leaders, business owners, college students, local ranch owners, educators and media representatives.
The Fall Session of the Laredo Sector
Citizens Academy began recently.

The academy curriculum includes presentations pertaining to the training of new agents, legal authority, the history of the United States Border Patrol, demonstrations of Border Patrol equipment, and a hands on look at the different units within the Border Patrol.

“Participants in the Citizens Academy will get a glimpse of what it is like to be a Border Patrol Agent and have an opportunity to look at border security from a different perspective. In doing so, they’ll be able to comprehend some of the complexities that come with safeguarding our border,” said Laredo Sector Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Gabriel Acosta.

The Citizens Academy kicked-off with a welcome address from Acting Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Anthony Scott Good and an overview of the personnel, technology and infrastructure of the Laredo Sector.

We encourage community leaders, citizens of Laredo and surrounding areas to participate in our Citizens Academy. For more information, you can contact the Laredo Sector Public Affairs Office at 956.764-3349.

Anyone interested in a career with the U.S. Border Patrol can contact a Border Patrol Recruiter at 956.753-1003. The Laredo Recruiting Office is located at 109 Shiloh Drive. 

Last Modified: Mar 15, 2024

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