LAREDO, Texas – Laredo Sector Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent, Robert L. Harris, presented new insignia ranks and certificates to 4 Border Patrol agents during a ceremony held today to recognize their recent promotions.
The selection and promotion of today’s ceremony included: Patrol Agent in Charge (PAIC) Marcos Garcia to the position of Deputy Chief Patrol Agent; Special Operations Supervisor (SOS) Thomas A. Kuhns as Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge with Laredo Sector Intelligence Unit (SIU); Supervisor Lonnie Rodriguez to Special Operation Supervisor (SOS) Intelligence Unit; Supervisor Thomas Diaz-De Leon to Special Operation Supervisor (SOS) Special Operations Detachment.
“We have great leaders in the Border Patrol, these individuals have the value, integrity, heart and desire, to carry out our mission,” said Chief Robert. L. Harris. These agents demonstrate dynamic leadership skills, experience, and knowledge for ensuring the continued growth and success of the Laredo Sector and the South Texas Campaign.
The Laredo Border Patrol Sector is part of the South Texas Campaign, which leverages federal, state and local resources to combat transnational criminal organizations.