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New Recovery Act-Funded Land Port of Entry Open at Noonan, N.D.

Release Date
Tue, 10/18/2011

Noonan, N.D. - U.S. Customs and Border Protection today announced the opening of a new land border port of entry in Noonan, N.D. The new facility, funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, will help strengthen security along the Northern border while facilitating the flow of legal travel and trade.

"The Noonan port facility will enhance our mission to secure our borders," said CBP Assistant Commissioner for Administration Eugene H. Schied. "The updated infrastructure and technologies of this facility provide more secure, efficient, and expedited processing for travelers crossing our Northern border."

CBP is using Recovery Act funds to modernize more than 35 land ports of entry along the Northern border to meet security and operational needs. The new facility in Noonan supports current inspection requirements and will be adaptable for CBP's future border security and trade facilitation needs.

The Department of Homeland Security continues to invest additional personnel and technology along the Northern border-deploying more than 2,200 Border Patrol agents and nearly 3,800 CBP officers throughout the region to manage the flow of people and goods through ports of entry and designated border crossings.

CBP continues to deploy state-of-the-art technology along the Northern border, including thermal camera systems, Mobile Surveillance Systems, and Remote Video Surveillance Systems. Additionally, CBP unmanned aircraft currently patrol nearly 950 miles along the Northern border from Washington to Minnesota, and approximately 200 miles along the northern border in New York and Lake Ontario.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021