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New U.S. Customs And Border Protection El Paso Port Director Introduced At Change Of Command Ceremony

Release Date
Thu, 04/02/2015

EL PASO, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection El Paso Port Director Beverly Good was formally sworn into office this afternoon during a CBP Field Operations change of command ceremony. Family, friends, colleagues and local dignitaries gathered as Ms. Good recited the oath of office during a ceremony at the Chamizal National Memorial Theater.

“I’m humbled and honored with my appointment as the El Paso Port Director,” said Good. “It’s exciting for me to join a team of hundreds of dedicated men and woman who relentlessly work day in and day out in ensuring the safety of our community and this great nation of ours.”

El Paso Port Director Beverly Good

El Paso Port Director Beverly Good

As the El Paso Port Director, Ms. Good will direct operations and enforcement activities at the four international crossings in El Paso (Paso Del Norte, Stanton, Bridge of the Americas, and Ysleta) as well as CBP airport operations at El Paso. She will oversee hundreds of employees at these locations including CBP officers, Agriculture Specialist, Canine Enforcement Officers, Import Specialist and personnel working in many other areas.

“I look forward to the challenges that this position brings in directing a multitude of CBP operations at one of the largest and most important ports of entry in the nation,” said Good “As CBP continues to move forward in the way we manage our shared border through strengthened partnerships, I too look forward in working with all our stakeholders to further CBP’s current levels of cooperation and collaboration in making lawful trade and travel more efficient while at the same time enhancing border security.”

Ms. Good will work to ensure that the agency’s primary mission of preventing terrorists or weapons of terror from entering the United States is accomplished on a daily basis. Ms. Good is also responsible for all immigration issues related to the admission and exclusion of people applying for entry into the United States. She is also responsible for customs and agriculture inspections at the ports of entry to ensure that all goods and people entering the United States do so in accordance with our laws and regulations, while ensuring that they are efficient in their processing to support the global market place and the international tourism industries.

Prior to her El Paso appointment Ms. Good served at the CBP Port Director for the George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas. Previously, Ms. Beverly Good was the Assistant Port Director for Tactical Operations at the San Ysidro and Otay Mesa ports of entry. While in California she managed all enforcement operations at San Ysidro, the nation’s busiest port of entry, as well as Otay Mesa which is the sixth busiest port of entry.

Before serving as an Assistant Port Director, Mrs. Good was assigned to the Office of Field Operations Headquarters’ office in Washington D.C. where she held various assignments including, the Director of the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), and the Chief of the Automated Biometric Identification System.

Mrs. Good has also served as the Port Director for the Immigration and Naturalization Service at the Denver International Airport where she oversaw operations of all international arrivals. She also held the position of Supervisory Immigration Officer at the Immigration Officer Academy in Glynco, Georgia where she was an instructor and course coordinator for basic training for Immigration Officers.

Mrs. Good began her federal law enforcement career in 1991 and is a graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School where she earned a Master’s Degree in Homeland Security and Defense Studies.  She graduated from West Georgia College with a degree in Mass Communication.

Although today marked the formal change of command at CBP’s El Paso Port of Entry, Ms. Good reported to and occupied her new post in November 2014.  Ms. Good replaces Hector Mancha who was the El Paso Port Director since April 2011. Mr. Mancha is now the director of field operations for the El Paso Field Office.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021