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Rio Grande Valley Sector launches initiative to shut down smuggling corridor

Release Date
Wed, 06/15/2016

EDINBURG, TEXAS – The Rio Grande Valley Sector is launching the “Se Busca Informacion” initiative (Seeking Information), in order to seek information on dangerous smugglers.

Se Busca Billboard at Falfurrias

The “Se Busca Informacion” initiative seeks assistance from the public in locating known smugglers exploiting the communities around the Rio Grande Valley.  As the public may have noticed, billboards have been placed at the three Border Patrol checkpoints operated by the Rio Grande Valley Sector.  The billboards, along with flyers, show the faces of the Rio Grande Valley Sector’s ten most wanted smugglers as well as a phone number to report any information. The targeted suspects are numbered and should be referenced when reporting.

These billboards and flyers are aimed at obtaining anonymous information on the suspects, potentially leading to a successful prosecution.

Media inquires about 3 recent arrests 
from the Se Busca campaign

“The smugglers identified in this initiative are ruthless, dangerous and must be removed from our communities,” says Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr. “The ‘Se Busca Informacion’ initiative enables all of us, as residents of the Rio Grande Valley, to take an active role in ending the atrocities committed by these criminals.”

RGV Sector urges immigrants not to jeopardize their lives by illegally entering the United States or by attempting to circumvent a checkpoint. The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and to help save lives by reporting suspicious activity at 800-863-9382.

One call could prove beneficial in providing leads and intelligence to aid in removing these criminal organizations.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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