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U.S. Customs and Border Protection to host Explorers Open House

Release Date
Fri, 06/08/2018

DETROIT - U.S. Customs and Border Protection Explorer Post in Detroit is inviting all high school students (ages 14-18) interested in pursuing careers in law enforcement to attend their Open House and learn about joining the Law Enforcement Explorer Program.

 CBP Law Enforcement Explorer Program
CBP Explorer Program

The post is a year round mentoring program, which offers opportunities in character building, good citizenship, and fitness for young men and women. The program also provides Explorers with practical training and hands-on experience in Federal law enforcement-related activities.

“With so many unique careers under one agency, explorers have the chance to experience a wide range of law enforcement activities and choose the career path that’s right for them,” said Acting Port Director and former Explorer David Beculheimer.  “Come join a great program that offers the chance to work in an exciting environment and enjoy exceptional educational benefits.”

When:             June 14, 2018, 6:00pm

Where:            Dauch Scout Center

                        1776 W. Warren Avenue

                        Detroit, MI 48208

Cost:                Free to attend

Interested candidates can contact the explorer post vie email to learn more.

Please note, the CBP Explorer Program is a youth mentorship program and is not an employment opportunity with the United States Government. 

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021