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Members of CBP User Fee Advisory Committee Appointed

Release Date
Wed, 06/08/2016

WASHINGTON – Members of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection User Fee Advisory Committee (UFAC) took their Oath of Office at a public meeting on June 1, 2016, at the U.S. International Trade Commission.  CBP Deputy Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan appointed committee members who are now charged with advising CBP on issues related to the performance of inspections coinciding with the assessment of an agriculture, customs, or immigration user fee.   

“The discussions and work provided by the former UFAC members have been very important. There are topics that we need to work on based on recommendations and new ones that we look forward to have input from you. We’re looking forward to continuing the work and the dialogue regarding user fees, budget and revenue modernization”, said Deputy Commissioner McAleenan.

The UFAC provides guidance on trade related topics such as the time period during which such services should be performed, the proper number and deployment of inspection officers, the level of fees, and the appropriateness of any proposed fee. 

The CBP User Fee Advisory Committee members are:

1. Adam Schless, JetBlue Airways Corporation

2. Ajith Pillai, American Airlines

3. Andres Hirschfeld, United Airlines

4. Barbara Kostuk, Airlines for America

5. Bradley Rubinstein, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

6. James Phillips, Canadian/American Border Trade Alliance

7. John Van Wallaghen, UPS Supply Chain Solutions

8. Kenneth Dunlap, International Air Transport Association

9. Kim Hall, Cruise Lines International Association

10. Leon Sutcliffe, Carnival Cruise Lines

11. Lisa Schimmelpfenning, Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

12. Maria Lourdes Leon, Atlantic Overseas Express, Inc.

13. Matthew Cornelius, Airports Council International - North America

14. Michael Mullen, Express Association of America

15. Patricia Compres, Advance Customs Brokers and Consulting, LLC

16. Saba Abashawl, Department of Aviation, City of Houston, Texas

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021