On May 6, at approximately 4:35 a.m., a Remote Video Surveillance System operator spotted a group of migrants climbing the primary and secondary International Border Barriers approximately a quarter mile west of the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. The Remote Video Surveillance System operator broadcasted the group’s location via radio to Border Patrol agents in the area. A Supervisory Border Patrol agent and several Border Patrol agents responded. Due to the night sky and foggy weather, visibility was limited. The supervisory Border Patrol agent approached the north side of the secondary International Border Barrier with his emergency lights activated as other agents responded to the area in between the primary and secondary barriers. The agents observed several migrants climbing both sides of the primary and secondary barriers. The supervisory agent exited his vehicle, apprehended one migrant, and secured the migrant in his vehicle. Agents heard a scream and saw a migrant, later identified as a male citizen of Mexico, fall from the primary International Border Barrier at approximately 4:38 a.m.,. The man fell approximately 15 feet from the primary barrier and landed in between the primary and secondary barriers.
The supervisory Border Patrol agent approached the area from the north side of the secondary barrier and immediately requested emergency medical services via radio. The agents working between the primary and secondary barriers responded to the location and observed that the migrant did not appear to be breathing. The San Diego Fire Department and San Diego Fire Department EMS were already nearby the migrant’s location, responding to a separate incident involving a migrant injury, and responded to the migrant’s location.
Ten minutes later, San Diego Fire Department and San Diego Fire Department EMS arrived on scene, began CPR, and pronounced the migrant deceased at approximately 4:54 a.m.
This incident is being reviewed by the San Diego Police Department and Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Professional Responsibility. The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General was notified.
Man dies after fall from International Border Barrier near Otay Mesa, Calif.
Release Date
Wed, 06/15/2022
Last Modified: Jan 28, 2025