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Advisories and Wait Times


Effective immediately, and for the duration of the pandemic or until further notification, U.S. Customs and Border Protection  (CBP) will permit the owners and operators of commercial aircraft to submit CBP Form 7507 via e-mail at ports of entry nationwide.

CBP is offering this flexibility to commercial air carriers to promote social distancing and minimize the exposure of air carrier and CBP personnel to COVID-19. Air carriers may submit CBP Form 7507 via e-mail for both arriving and departing commercial aircraft for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To exercise this option, the owner, operator or representative of the commercial aircraft must contact the port of entry at which their aircraft will arrive or depart to obtain the applicable email address and instructions from CBP.  Port of entry contact information may be found on

CBP recommends that air carriers protect all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) sent via e-mail.  Federal government standards for the use of encryption can be found on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s website.

CBP 7507, also known as the General Declaration, is a form that the owners or operators of commercial aircraft submit to CBP to provide basic flight itineraries, passenger and crew information, and other information about the arrival and departure of aircraft entering or exiting the United States.  This accommodation is not intended to and does not amend or supersede any current regulations.

Wait Times

Get up-to-date information you need on Airport and Border wait times before you begin your travel.

Airport Wait Times * Estimated wait times for incoming travelers at top major U.S. airports.

Border Wait Times  Estimated wait times for northern and southern border crossings.

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*For more information concerning Airport Wait Times, contact

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Last Modified: Mar 04, 2024