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An official website of the United States government

Ready Lanes

Are you entering the United States through a land border port of entry on the northern or southern border using an RFID enabled document? If so, you are eligible to use a Ready Lane for reduced wait times and faster processing.


What are Ready Lanes?

Ready Lanes are dedicated processing lanes for both vehicle passengers and pedestrians traveling with Ready Lane-eligible travel cards, such as those listed below. Eligible travelers can save time at the border by navigating to designated Ready Lanes, keeping their eligible travel cards in hand, and displaying cards to the in-lane RFID card readers before proceeding to a CBP officer for inspection.

How do I use a Ready Lane?

STEP 1 Navigate to a Ready Lane.  Identify Ready Lanes by finding signs with the Ready Lane logo above booths and navigate to the correct lane.

STEP 2 Have Travel Cards in Hand.  Locate lane, pull out Ready Lane eligible travel cards and prepare to show cards to reader.

STEP 3 Stop and Display Cards to In-land Reader.  With each photo visible above your door frame, display each card to the "Point Cards Here" sign located on and above the in-lane reader.

STEP 4 Proceed Forward as Directed by CBP Officer.  Proceed to the next stop sign or inspection booth and wait for and officer's instructions.

What types of travel cards are eligible for entry Into the United States using a Ready Lane?

Types of travel cards that are eligible for enty into the U.S. using Ready Lane

  • Ready Lane-eligible cards contain Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, and include the following: U.S. Passport Cards, Enhanced Driver’s Licenses, Enhanced Tribal Cards, Enhanced Border Crossing Cards, Enhanced Permanent Resident Cards, and Trusted Traveler Program (NEXUS, SENTRI, Global Entry or FAST) cards.
  • For a vehicle or group of pedestrians to be Ready Lane eligible, all travelers 16 years-old and older must be carrying a Ready Lane-eligible card.

How can I become Ready Lane eligible?

  • Travelers not eligible to use Ready Lanes should consider acquiring Ready Lane eligible cards or joining a Trusted Traveler Program (TTP) for access to lanes with shorter wait times and faster processing.
  • Travelers can obtain Enhanced Driver's Licenses (EDL) from a local DMV or government office in the states of Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Vermont, or Washington, as well as in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec. Note: If a traveler has applied and is waiting for their EDL, the receipt or temporary notice the traveler may have received is NOT a Ready Lane-eligible card.

Where can I use a Ready Lane?

To locate a Ready Lane, look for the appropriate signage at each Port of Entry (POE). For participating POEs, additional Ready Lane information can be located on the Border Wait Times website.

What items do I need to declare when entering the United States?

stock photo of an apple Food and Agriculture
Declare all foods, plants, and agricultural items when entering the United States.

stock photo of three beer cans Alcohol
One liter (or three beers) is allowed per traveler each month, duty-free. Anything in excess must be declared.

stock photo of pack of cigarettes Tobacco
One carton of cigarettes (200 cigarettes or 100 cigars) is allowed per traveler each month, duty-free. Anything in excess must be declared.

stock photo of currency Currency
 Currency or monetary instruments in excess of $10,000 USD must be declared.

stock photo of medicine bottle and a pill Pharmaceuticals
Medications (up to a 90-day supply) must be declared, and should be in their original package with a prescription in the traveler’s name.

Additional Resources

Last Modified: Jan 03, 2025