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  3. Canadian Border Boat Landing (I-68) Program

Canadian Border Boat Landing (I-68) Program

Reporting requirements for persons are established under the regulation promulgated pursuant to the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA), found at 8 CFR 235.1(a), which requires that application to lawfully enter the United States shall be made in person to a CBP Officer at a U.S. port-of-entry. Report of arrival requirements for vessels are established under 19 USC 1433 and the implementing regulation, found at 19 CFR 4.2, which requires that upon arrival in any port or place within the U.S., including, for purposes of this section, the U.S. Virgin Islands, of any vessel from a foreign port or place, any foreign vessel from a port or place within the U.S., or any vessel of the US carrying foreign merchandise for which entry has not been made, the master of the vessel shall immediately report that arrival to the nearest Customs and Border Protection facility or other location designated by the port director.

One alternative to the in person reporting requirement is the Canadian Border Boat Landing (I-68) Program, which allows certain applicants entering the United States by small boat to telephonically report their arrival to CBP.

There is no requirement that boaters must obtain a Form I-68. However, boaters who choose not to obtain a Form I-68 must report, in person, for inspection by a CBP Officer at a port-of-entry each time they enter the United States. U.S. citizen boaters who enter the United States with aliens who are without a Form I-68 and without reporting for inspection may be subject to fine and/or possible seizure of the boat. Persons traveling by boat who do not have a Form I-68 and fail to present themselves for inspection are subject to arrest, possible fine, or if a Non-US Citizen, removal from the United States.

Persons who are not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States may use Form I-68 for visits not to exceed 72 hours to visit within 25 miles of the shoreline along the U.S. border with Canada.

The Form I-68, after an initial inspection, permits a boater to report their arrival into the United States telephonically without having to appear at a port-of-entry for an in person inspection. The initial inspection involves an interview, checking the individual in the Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) and possibly other law enforcement databases, completion of the form I-68, and payment of the fee.

Each applicant who is 14 years of age or older must appear in person for inspection. The names and dates of birth of children less than 14 years of age must be listed on one or both of their parents' Form I-68. If approved, page one of the three-part Form I-68 will be issued to each applicant age 14 years of age and older. Each of the three pages of the Form I-68 will bear the photograph and fingerprint of the applicant for identification purposes. The fees for both individuals and families will remain the same as last year.

I-68 Registration Locations

Applications for the I-68 program are required to be in person at any of the following designated ports of entry. Please contact your port of entry for an appointment.

I-68 Registration Locations
Port of Entry Phone Number
Chicago, Illinois  (773) 948-6330
Detroit, Michigan (313) 393-3949
Port Huron, Michigan (810) 985-9541 ext. 235
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan (906) 632-7221 or (906) 632-2631
Baudette, Minnesota (218) 634-2803
Crane Lake, Minnesota (218) 993-2321
Duluth, Minnesota (218) 720-5203
Alexandria Bay, New York (315) 482-2065
Buffalo, New York (716) 881-4447
Champlain, New York (518) 298-8346
Lewiston, New York (716) 285-1676
Massena, New York (315) 769-3091
Niagara Falls, New York (716) 282-3141
Ogdensburg, New York (315) 393-1390
Rochester, New York (585) 263-6293
Cleveland, Ohio (216) 267-3600
Port Clinton, Ohio (415) 732-4446
Toledo, Ohio (419) 259-6424
Erie, Pennsylvania (814) 833-1355
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (414) 486-7790

Frequently Asked Questions

Last Modified: Dec 15, 2023