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Puget Sound/Northeastern Washington

What Alternative Inspection Programs Does This Port Accept?

  • Canadian Border Boat Landing Permit Program (I-68)
  • NEXUS Program

Participants in these programs may phone in their arrival to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) by calling the following number: 1-800-562-5943 (For Puget Sound Boat Arrivals Only). Unless directed by a CBP officer, participants in these programs do not have to report for an in-person inspection.

What Information Do I Have to Have When I Call?

All Vessel masters must phone in their arrival and have the following information available:

Designated Ports of Inspection

  • Name, date of birth and citizenship of all persons on board (including passport number); 
  • Name of the boat and/or boat registration number;
  • CBP user fee decal number (if 30 feet or longer);
  • Homeport and current location; and
  • Return contact number.
  • Trusted Traveler document info readily available (i.e. I-68, Nexus)

Arrivals may be made at any of the locations below. Call the phone number of the location nearest to your arrival location in advance of your arrival to report and receive specific instructions.


Friday Harbor, WA
271 Front Street
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-2080

Point Roberts, WA
50 Tyee Drive
Point Roberts, WA 98230
(360) 945-2314 or (360) 945-5211

Anacortes, WA
1019 Q Avenue
Suite F
Anacortes, WA 98221
(360) 293-2331

Port Angeles, WA
138 West First Street
Suite 204
Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 457-4311

Northeastern Washington Waters - The Oroville Washington Port of Entry is the only port of entry in Northeastern Washington that accommodates the clearance of private boats arriving in the United States on the water. Additionally, only boaters with a NEXUS Card or I-68 will be cleared on the water at Oroville.

Oroville, WA
33643 Hwy 97
Oroville, WA 98844
(509) 476-2955


Last Modified: Mar 05, 2024