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  3. In Memoriam
  4. Augustin De La Peña

Augustin De La Peña

U.S. Border Patrol (Prior to CBP)
Entered on Duty
End of Watch

Image of Patrol Inspector Augustin De La PeñaOn August 2, 1925, Patrol Inspector Augustin De La Peña was shot and killed by an insane Mexican at Rio Grande City, Texas. While eating supper in a restaurant, the officer, accompanied by Patrol Inspector Fred Neale, noticed a Mexican enter the restaurant and get into an argument with the proprietor. It was later learned the Mexican's name was Macario Peña. The Mexican acted very peculiarly, and the officers noticed that he was armed with a revolver. After he left the restaurant, Patrol Inspector De La Peña decided to follow him and question him in regards to his immigration status. Accordingly, the officer followed the Mexican. Inspector De La Peña followed him into the drug store and started to question him when the Mexican drew his revolver. The officer ordered him to drop the gun, but instead the Mexican fired, the bullet striking De La Peña in the abdomen. The officer then attempted to take the revolver away from the Mexican and, after a struggle in which others could not assist the officer because of the location of the two behind a counter in the store, De La Peña became weakened by loss of blood and in order to protect others, drew his own revolver and shot the Mexican, killing him. Patrol Inspector De La Peña died on the operating table a few hours later.

Last Modified: Mar 07, 2024