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Fort Stockton Station

1801 Front Street
Post Office Box 607
Fort Stockton, Texas 79735
Phone: (432) 336-2468
Fax: (432) 336-6418

History and Area of Responsibility
The Fort Stockton Station was originally opened as a four man station in 1931. Its mission was to backup the Marathon and Alpine line operations. The station was closed in 1933 and remained so for 20 years. In 1953, it was reopened by the four Agents from the Alpine Station.

The present office buildings were constructed in 1964.

The Fort Stockton Station area of responsibility consists of Pecos, Crane, and Upton counties. The station is responsible for patrolling approximately 6,793 square miles of the Big Bend Sector.

Last Modified: Jan 22, 2020