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  4. Border Patrol Technology

U.S. Border Patrol Technology

Operating with a suite of technology and infrastructure assets, the U.S. Border Patrol utilizes current and future innovation, including autonomous capabilities, to detect and identify threats in near real time. Modern technology enables the exploitation of data collected by sensors, towers, drones, assets, agents, facilities, and other sources informing mission critical decisions in the field and at Headquarters.

Key to achieving this, the Border Patrol fosters active engagement with industry and other government agencies to procure, deploy, and efficiently sustain modern technology and infrastructure, keeping front-line personnel safer, more effective, and one step ahead. The Border Patrol invites engagement from external vendors with capabilities that meet mission needs outlined below.

Operations Assets

Persistent Surveillance

Surveillance capabilities to detect, identify, track and classify incursions along the border.

Mobile Surveillance

Surveillance capabilities that mitigate blind spots created by shifts away from fixed and other mobile sensors.

Infrastructure Management

Border barrier and tactical infrastructure, planning, construction and maintenance.

Situational Awareness

Capabilities providing situational awareness by enabling communications, and synthesizing data and intelligence.

Domain Awareness

Land domain awareness and underground surveillance capabilities along the border.

Planning, Detection, and Classification

Enforcement and administrative systems, applications, and equipment that support operations.


Working With Us

Do you know a capability/vendor that could be a good fit for the Border Patrol mission? Would you like to provide a capabilities briefing? Please register on CBP’s Business Connection Platform to submit a meeting request.


Last Modified: Jan 11, 2024

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