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Marfa Station

717 South Highland
Post Office Box "I"
Marfa, Texas 79843
Phone: (432) 729-5600
Fax: (432) 729-4690

History and Area of Responsibility
The Marfa Station was established in conjunction with the Sector Headquarters in 1924 and occupied a private residence converted to office space. It was moved to the Presidio County Courthouse in 1931. In 1932, they moved into the former post hospital of Fort D.A. Russell. The station was separated from the Headquarters in 1935 when Sector was moved to Alpine. The station occupied space in the community during that time.

In 1949, Sector and the station were consolidated again in Marfa at Fort D.A. Russell. In December, 1977, they occupied the new, modern building that today house Sector Headquarters. In 1996, the station moved into the former lumberyard where it remains today.

The Marfa Station area consists of approximately 4,500 square miles. It is comprised of the northern half of Presidio County and all of Jeff Davis County except for that portion lying west of and including Chispa Road. The Marfa Station is bordered on the south from Ruidosa to the east, following ranch property fences, which define the boundary with Presidio Station.

Marfa Station is responsible for 68 border miles between the U.S. and Mexico. In the interior of the Marfa Station Area of Responsibility, (AOR), are the communities of Marfa, Valentine, and Ft. Davis. On the Rio Grande, lie the communities of Ruidosa and Candelaria. Sparse population exists between these communities on area ranches The entire population for the Marfa Station AOR is less than 5,000.

Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016