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Van Horn Station

500 Laurel Street
Post Office Box 368
Van Horn, Texas 79855
Phone: (432) 283-3100
Fax: (432) 283-3196

History and Area of Responsibility
The Van Horn Station was officially activated on April 12, 1970, and staffed with five officers. Prior to that time, the Van Horn area was covered by two Agents from the Sierra Blanca Station.

The Van Horn Station area of responsibility consists of 31.1 miles of border with Mexico. The station's area consists of all of Culberson County and includes the northwest corner area north of Highways 62/180 plus an area of approximately 50 square miles in Presidio and Jeff Davis counties west of Chispa Road and south of U.S. Highway 90. The total station area is approximately 3,775 square miles.

Last Modified: Jan 22, 2020