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Erie Station

7851 Traut Drive
Fairview, PA 16415
Phone: (814) 474-4700
Fax: (814) 474-4540

The Erie Border Patrol Station began operations in the late summer of 2004. The events of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent re-alignment of Border Patrol assets and priorities led to the formation of a separate station in what had been the two western-most counties of the Buffalo Station's area of responsibility.

Initially, operations consisted of Boat Patrol, Marina Check, Transportation Check and a rapid response to other agencies requests. Throughout Fiscal 2005 the limited manpower resulted in a high percentage of boat patrol hours on Lake Erie. Vessels crossing into the United States were boarded and searched for possible terrorists, terrorist weapons, smuggled humans and other contraband.

As Fiscal 2005 came to a close, a re-ordering of operational priorities led to a concentration of effort at the transportation centers within the station's area of operation and a more vigorous outreach program to other law enforcement entities with an eye toward force multiplication. The agents of the newly-opened Border Patrol Station rapidly became well-known and highly utilized by the local and state law enforcement entities.

Response times to police calls for assistance with aliens of all nationalities, which had all but disappeared in the wake of 9/11, were now measured in minutes instead of hours or even days. Liaison with the local anti-terrorism task forces raised the likelihood of discovery of any cells of terror. Apprehensions of illegal aliens from all sources rose dramatically, and numerous criminal prosecutions kept the staff extremely busy.

As Fiscal 2006 came to a close and Fiscal 2007 began, a modest increase in staffing led to a commensurate increase in apprehensions. The future looks bright as we continue to diligently protect our station's sixty-five miles of International Border.

Area of Responsibility
The station's area of responsibility is entirely located along the south shore of Lake Erie with the International Boundary ranging from eight to twenty miles offshore in waters up to 200 feet deep. It is composed of counties in the states of New York and Pennsylvania.

Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016