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Ysleta Station

Ysleta Station
12245 Pine Springs Drive
El Paso, TX 79936-7828
Phone: (915) 435-1100
Fax: (915) 834-8595

The Ysleta Station area of responsibility includes 16.7 miles of International Boundary along the Rio Grande River.

The Ysleta Border Patrol Station was established on July 23, 1929 with the assigning of two officers to patrol the border. The area east of El Paso and east of Juarez, Mexico was growing in population and within a few months it became necessary to increase the manpower to three officers. The station was located in the back room of the Ysleta Port of Entry. Due to the growth of El Paso in the direction of Ysleta, increased smuggling operations were seen in the large agricultural areas and entry of illegal aliens was also apparent.

During the 1930's, the manpower was increased to eight officers. In 1955, the station size increased to ten officers and remained at or near this level until July of 1964.

In July of 1964 the Ysleta Station became a part of the El Paso Station and a special unit was formed known as the El Paso Unit One. This unit, under the supervision of the El Paso Station Patrol Agent in Charge had one Senior Patrol Inspector (Supervisor) and eight to twelve officers. In September of 1973, the Ysleta Station was reopened and located at the Ysleta Port of Entry with a Patrol Agent in Charge and seven men assigned. Due to a steady growth in manpower, the station office was moved to a permanent facility in 1975. The responsibilities of the Ysleta Station increased as the manpower increased. In May of 1985 a traffic checkpoint, located on Highway 62/180 was added. In November of 1991, the Ysleta Station was moved into a new 14,000 square foot station to accommodate the increases in manpower and equipment.

In July of 1992 the new Ysleta Port of Entry was officially opened which included a 2,200 square foot alien processing room for the Ysleta Station. Due to the new construction of residential housing on the north side of the station, a security chain link fence topped with razor wire was installed along the entire length of the northern rock wall in October of 1999.

In July 2000, the construction of a new building was completed at the Ysleta Station.

Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016