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Tampa Station

3811 Corporex Park Drive
Tampa, Florida 33619
Phone: (813) 623-5101
Fax: (813) 623-5011

The Tampa Border Patrol Station opened in 1925. Newspaper accounts in late 1925 indicate that Tampa was one of three patrol barracks established that year. It would appear that the area of responsibility as compared by present standards could be described as a Sector Headquarters. Large numbers of migrants were being smuggled by well organized smuggling rings. Because of the popularity of the Gulf of Mexico to Cuban fishing, and the alien smuggling associated with those boats, the west Coast of Florida received primary consideration in the establishment of the Border Patrol in Florida. At various times there were Border Patrol Stations located in Tarpon Springs, Fort Myers, and Sarasota. At the time of its inception, the Tampa Station was limited in transportation and communication. These were the main factors that Tampa was initially a Sector and maintained administrative supervision over several sub offices. As these difficulties were overcome, administrative supervision was centralized in Florida, now known as the Miami Sector.

Area of Responsibility
The Miami Sector as we know it today was established in 1940. The sector's area of responsibility consists of the states of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas, though Border Patrol Station are presently located only in the state of Florida. A Sector Headquarters has been located in the Miami area since about 1927, except for a period from 1956 to 1960 when it was moved to Tampa.

The Tampa Station (TAB) area of responsibility consists of twelve counties in the central and western areas of Florida, and it is the only station on the west coast of Florida. Tampa's area is approximately 190 miles in length and approximately 125 miles wide at the broadest point. The western boundary of Tampa's area of responsibility is the Gulf of Mexico; the northern boundary are the counties of Levy and Marion; the eastern boundary are the counties of Lake, Osceola, Highlands, and Glades; and the southern boundary is Lee County. To the north of Tampa there is marshy swampland near the coast, which would be almost impassable without the numerous roads and paths leading from the Gulf Coast.

To the south there are sandy beaches and keys littered with mangroves that provide ideal tourist attractions. The entire coastline is home to numerous marinas, including three Seaports.

Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016