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  4. Border Patrol Sectors
  5. Ramey Sector Aguadilla Puerto Rico

Ramey Sector Aguadilla Puerto Rico

Ramey Sector has one station with an area of responsibility that extends 12 miles out from the shoreline to the US territorial water limits, and includes 730-shore border miles, throughout Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands.

The coin for the Ramey Sector represents the sector and our agents. We are the "Sentinels of the Caribbean," the frontline for not only Puerto Rico but the US Virgin Islands, combating terrorism, illegal immigrants and contraband trying to enter the United States. The coin shows the American Eagle representing the strength of the United States and a palm next to the beach representing the geographical area in which we work, the Caribbean. The front side of the coin has the U.S. Border Patrol emblem on it representing the Agency and Ramey Sector below it, as you can see in the picture.

Front side of Ramey Sector's Challenge Coin

Last Modified: Mar 07, 2025