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McAllen Station

3000 West Military Highway
McAllen, TX 78503
Phone: (956) 217-3700
Fax: (956) 686-4609

The best records available indicate that the origin of the McAllen Station came in 1921, when four Immigration Officers were assigned to patrol the river from about the halfway point between Hidalgo, Texas and Rio Grande City, Texas, to about the halfway point between Hidalgo, Texas, and Brownsville, Texas. The primary responsibility of the four officers was to apprehend Asiatic or European aliens who might be attempting to enter illegally, and to apprehend smugglers of contraband, primarily liquor.

From these humble beginnings, McAllen Station has grown in importance and size. The McAllen Station is responsible for patrolling 53 miles the Rio Grande. The mission of the McAllen Station is to protect and defend the homeland from terrorists and weapons of mass effect and the goal of operations is to gain operation control of our nation's borders. McAllen Station operates out of newly constructed 68,000-square-foot state of the art facility located at: 3000 W. Military Highway, McAllen, Texas.


Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016