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Boulevard Station

2463 Ribbonwood Rd.
Boulevard, CA 91905
Phone: (619) 766-3000
Fax: (619) 766-9060

History and Area of Responsibility

Formerly a sub-station of the Campo Border Patrol Station, the Boulevard Station became an independent entity in April 2006.  In 2013, a new 46,000 sq. ft. two-story building was built along with several other assets that improved the station’s capabilities and enhanced operations for San Diego Sector.  The assets include a dog kennel, horse corral, a helipad and an indoor shooting range.

The station is located approximately 60 miles east of San Diego in the high desert and mountain area that separates San Diego and Imperial Valley.  The station’s overall area of responsibility includes approximately 10 linear border miles and encompasses 500 square miles. The Boulevard Station is also responsible for two eastbound tactical checkpoints, which are an integral part of the San Diego Sector's defense in depth strategy.  The terrain is rugged and arduous.  Temperatures vary throughout the year from extreme heat to below freezing.  Most of the area is only accessible by four-wheel drive vehicles, All-Terrain vehicles or by walking.  The agents conduct roving patrols and operate night vision scopes to conduct enforcement operations. They also preform anti-smuggling/plain clothes operations and intelligence gathering.  The station has a border community liaison agent who interacts with the local community.  

Last Modified: Jan 22, 2020