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Chula Vista Station

USBP Chula Vista Station
P.O. BOX 210038
Chula Vista, CA  91921-0038
(619) 498-9700

The present Chula Vista Station was built in 1985. The area of operation stretches from the San Ysidro Port of Entry, to approximately 5 miles east of the Otay Mesa, California Port of Entry. The former Chula Vista Station was referred to as Old 819. It is west of the San Ysidro Port of Entry and was a substation of Chula Vista. Agents reported there when assigned to patrol from the west side to the Pacific Ocean. The area of operation at that time encompassed an area now assigned to three line stations.

The Chula Vista Station’s main responsibility is linewatch.  This is the operational method used to detect and interdict any incursion into the United States between the ports of entry.  This includes patrolling the United States/Mexico international boundary with the assistance of All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), Mobile Scope’s, a Remote Video Surveillance System (RVSS), Off Road 4X4s, Plainclothes Operations, and Highway Interdiction Units.  The Chula Vista Station is also home to Explorer Post #1326.

Last Modified: Jul 27, 2020