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Newport Station

373 Citizens Road
Derby, VT 05829

Phone: (802) 334-1333
Fax: (802) 334-1016


The Border Patrol Station at Newport, Vermont, was established in 1924, with a complement of 15 officers. They started under the supervision of the Officer in Charge for training and were subsequently assigned to squads, equipped with motorcycles, and stationed at Canaan, Island Pond, Newport, and Swanton. In 1929, a Chief Patrol Inspector was appointed as supervisor with headquarters in Newport for the State of Vermont. Subsequently, the office was moved to Derby Line, Vermont, on the border north of Newport, and in 1949, moved back to Newport.

In November 1949, due to a marked decline in railroad traffic, the Island Pond Station was closed. At the same time, the Newport Station was closed and the officers of both of these stations were transferred to Derby Line. A total of 13 officers were then assigned to the Derby Line station. In October 1969, the Derby Line Station was closed and transferred to Newport.

April 4, 1972, the Newport Station was again transferred to Derby Line and occupied two large office rooms on the second floor of the Route 5 Port of Entry building.

In September 1989, the Derby Line station was moved back to Newport into a building that was newly constructed to Border Patrol specifications. This new office space is large enough to handle future increases in personnel.

Area of Responsibility

The Newport Station area of responsibility (AOR) presently covers over 6,406 square miles. The Newport Station AOR is comprised of Orleans and Caledonia counties and portions of Lamoille, Washington, Orange, Windsor, Rutland, and Windham counties in the State of Vermont. It is bounded on the west by the Richford Station AOR, on the east by the Beecher Falls Station AOR, from the south by the State of Massachusetts/Vermont border, and from the north by 32 miles of international boundary. Approximately one mile of the international boundary consists of water.

The Green Mountains cover the entire station AOR. Lake Memphremagog forms a portion of the border, extending south six miles into the United States, and over 25 miles north into Canada.


Last Modified: Jul 24, 2024