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Swanton Station

104 Raven Drive

Swanton, VT 05488

Phone: (802) 868-3220
Fax: (802) 868-2434

History and Area of Responsibility

The Swanton Station was established May 1, 1926, with a complement of five officers. The first office was located at 96 Grand Avenue in Swanton. The area of responsibility at that time was 300 square miles, with 20 miles of International Boundary.

Since then, the area of responsibility has increased to approximately 2,200 square miles. February 21, 1960, two officers of the Swanton Unit were assigned to Alburg, Vermont, under the supervision of the Senior Patrol Inspector, Swanton. These officers resided in Alburg and were primarily responsible for the area between Lake Champlain and Missisquoi Bay. August 1, 1966, the Alburg duty station was closed after the transfer of the two officers.

The Swanton office occupied space in the newly constructed Sector Headquarters building from October 1965 until July 1982. The station was then moved to temporary quarters in Alburg, Vermont, utilizing the immigration cottage behind the Port of Entry. One Patrol vehicle was garaged at that location for any agent starting a tour of duty from there, while the other patrol vehicles, boat and snowmobiles were parked at Sector Headquarters.

In October 1983, the former Richford station was designated a two man sub-station under the supervision of the Supervisory Border Patrol Agents assigned to Swanton. In February 1987, the Richford office regained full station status with the transfer of the Patrol Agent in Charge, Swanton, to Richford.

In April 1986, the Swanton Station moved into a new building leased from a private entity. It is located on the Franklin County Airport access road in Highgate, Vermont, and is within one mile of Interstate 89. The office space for the Swanton Station was constructed to meet GSA specifications.


Last Modified: Mar 06, 2024