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Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program Overview

The Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program is a U.S. State Department program that seeks to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and destabilizing accumulations and irresponsible transfers of conventional weapons by helping to build effective national strategic trade control systems in countries that possess, produce, or supply strategic items, as well as in countries through which such items are most likely to transit.

The EXBS Program is designed to help countries develop and improve their strategic trade and related border control systems. In developing and improving these systems, the program works to ensure conformity with international standards for regulating trade in items on the control lists of the multilateral export control regimes, to prevent the authorization of transfers to end-uses and end-users of proliferation concern, and to detect and interdict illicit transfers at the border. In building countries' capacity in this critical area, the EXBS Program advances U.S. efforts to establish a global WMD detection architecture and helps key partners meet their obligations and commitments pursuant to important U.S. and international initiatives, including UN Security Council Resolution 1540, the Proliferation Security Initiative, the National Security Strategy and adherence to the guidelines of multilateral export control regimes.

The EXBS Program works with partner governments to identify regulatory and institutional gaps and to develop resource requirements. The EXBS Program provides a wide range of technical assistance, from executive exchanges to training workshops to the provision of detection equipment and specialized training for border control and enforcement agencies. The EXBS Program provides assistance in Five Core areas:

  • Laws and Regulations
  • Licensing
  • Enforcement
  • Government-Industry Cooperation
  • Interagency and International Cooperation and Coordination

The EXBS Program draws on the expertise and cooperation of a range of U.S. Government agencies, the private sector, and U.S. and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide the legal, licensing and enforcement training, along with the necessary information systems and equipment, to put the relevant capabilities into the hands of willing governments.

Funding for the EXBS Program comes from annual Foreign Operations Appropriations Acts. The Department obligates funds to other U.S. government agencies, contracts out directly to the private sector, and award grants to U.S. and international NGOs to conduct activities that support program objectives. To help implement and coordinate program assistance, ECC obligates funds to hire and station Program Advisors in select partner countries as priorities dictate.

As the key U.S. law enforcement agency in border security, CBP provides a wide variety of practical assistance tailored to each individual country’s needs. This assistance includes long-term regional advisors, short-term experts, equipment and training to foreign governments in support of U.S. Government objectives in non-proliferation, export controls, anti-terrorism and border security. CBP’s programs focus on enabling the border control, and other law enforcement agencies in high-threat countries to detect, identify, and interdict such contraband, and investigate the illegal transfer of materials used in the production of WMDs, including chemical, biological, and nuclear materials, missile equipment and related technology.

Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016

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