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International Visitors Program (IVP)

The International Visitors Program (IVP) consists of specially arranged briefings and visits to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) operations in the United States by foreign high-level customs and other law enforcement officials who perform or manage functions similar to those encompassed within CBP's area of responsibility and expertise. Typically, an IVP program visit may last anywhere from one day to two weeks in duration. During a visit, officials consult with appropriate high-level managers at CBP Headquarters and/or participate in on-site observation tours of ports and field operations. Locations are selected based on the focus of interest and needs of the visiting officials such as security related systems and processes, commercial operations, automation, management models, and other enforcement activities. The IVP is especially appropriate for government management officials who are new to their positions and are committed to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their organizations. In addition to affording top managers the opportunity to observe current CBP programs and processes.

This government-to-government program provides the opportunity for officials from foreign countries to learn about CBP enforcement, trade, and management programs through high-level briefings at Headquarters, various CBP field locations, and U.S. ports of entry.  These programs are funded by outside sources to:

  • Demonstrate CBP’s efforts to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States.
  • Demonstrate CBP’s programs to extend the border and implement a layered security strategy.
  • Demonstrate the balance between facilitating legitimate trade and travel while ensuring security.
  • Build international relationships and cooperation in support of global security standards.
  • Encourage the adoption and adherence to international standards and best practices leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Support capacity building programs.
Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016

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