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  4. Locate a Port of Entry
  5. Del Bonita, MT, Montana - 3322

Del Bonita, MT, Montana - 3322

Port Type
Port of Entry
Permitted Customs Brokers Listing
Port Code

Location Address

4071 Chalk Butte Road
41 miles north of Cut Bank on Hwy 213
Cut Bank, MT 59427-9109
United States

Mailing Address

4071 Chalk Butte Road
Cut Bank, MT 59427-9109
United States

Phone Contact:
+1 406-336-2130
Fax Number:
+1 406-336-2137
Port Director
Douglas Claybourn
Office Hours
Sunday: 9:00-17:00MST
Monday: 9:00-17:00MST
Tuesday: 9:00-17:00MST
Wednesday: 9:00-17:00MST
Thursday: 9:00-17:00MST
Friday: 9:00-17:00MST
Saturday: 9:00-17:00MST

Directions to Port Office

Cut Bank, MT

Proceed north on Hwy 213. Port is 41 miles north of Cut Bank.

Facilities and Crossings

Cut Bank Airport

Pilots must give a minimum 2-hour advance notice of their intended arrival. This notice can be submitted up to one week in advance; however, confirmation of arrival time prior to take-off is still required on day of arrival. This location uses on-call staff and requires the lead time for an Officer to respond. Voicemail and faxes are NOT acceptable means of delivering such notice. eAPIS is a separate filing to the CBP notification. Pilots wishing to arrive outside business hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. must make Prior Arrangements during business hours.


Reporting Requirements

Pilots wishing to clear at Frank Whetstone International Airport must give a minimum 1 hour advance notice of their intended arrival.

Weather Alert

Frank Wetstone International Airport is a "Landing Rights" airport and may not be available due to weather or other conditions. Check with local staff for conditions.

Special Instructions

Del Bonita is a Permit Port, which means that importations of cargo must be approved in advance by the Area Port of Great Falls. Contact the Port of Entry for more information.

Last Modified: Nov 12, 2024