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  5. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota - 3501

Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota - 3501

Port Type
Service Port
Permitted Customs Brokers Listing
Port Code

Location Address

5600 W American Blvd
Suite 760
Bloomington, MN 55437
United States

Mailing Address
Same as location address

Phone Contact:
+1 952-857-3100
Fax Number:
+1 952-857-3230
Port Director
Jason W. Schmelz
Office Hours
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8:30-17:00CST
Tuesday: 8:30-17:00CST
Wednesday: 8:30-17:00CST
Thursday: 8:30-17:00CST
Friday: 8:30-17:00CST
Saturday: Closed

Directions to Port Office


Beginning Sunday, June 30, 2024, CBP’s public posted hours of operations ( for KMSP and KSTP will be as follows:

MSP – Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport

Passenger Processing, 1200 - 2100 hours

KMSP – Signature Facility

Monday-Friday, 1000 - 1800 hours

KSTP – St. Paul Holman Field

Monday-Friday, 1000 - 1800 hours

Service Contacts
CBP Hiring Center
Phone: 1-855-500-3722
Address: 5600 W American Blvd., Bloomington, MN 55437

Hiring Related Inquiries (for persons that are going through hiring process, not current CBP employees), please call I-855-500-3722.


Firearm / Vehicle Registration
Address: Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, Terminal 2, 7150 Humphrey Drive, Suite 2168, Minneapolis, MN  55450
Operational Hours: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM (CST), Monday-Friday, closed Holidays.

To register a firearm, complete CBP Form 4457 Registration for Firearm, bring completed form 4457, with the unloaded firearm, secured in a locked case, with your federal government ID to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office located at Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, Terminal 2. The office is located on the second floor across from the skyway to parking ramp, adjacent to TSA checkpoint number 2.

To register a vehicle in the United States (vehicle import/export), please hire a customs broker to help facilitate the import/export of the vehicle. CBP cannot recommend a broker. A listing of licensed customs brokers is found at the top of this page. After you provide necessary information to a customs broker, the customs broker will communicate with CBP directly on your behalf.


Minneapolis Based Centers of Excellence and Expertise (CEE) Trade Staff and Port Collections
Phone: (952) 857-3100
Mailing Address: CBP Collections or CEE Trade Staff Employee (Name), 5600 American Blvd West, Suite 760, Bloomington, MN 55437

Facilities and Crossings

Landing Rights

Landing rights requests need to be emailed to Please include all information as outlined in 19 CFR 122.14 to include ETA, location of arrival, EAPIS status; written approval from CBP is required prior to arrival and is provided by email.

Global Entry

For Global Entry related questions/issues not addressed at, please call 612) 727-3415, leave a message and an officer will call you back.


Cargo Processing
Phone: (612) 727-3415
Fax: None
Operational Hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM (CST)
Weekdays (Monday-Friday) Closed Holidays

Recommend emailing questions to; officer will respond within 1-week or less. For Agriculture related cargo questions, send email inquiry to


I-94 and Deferred Inspections
Phone: (612) 727-3415
Fax: None
Operational Hours: 8:00 AM-2:00 PM (CST)
Weekdays (Monday-Thursday), closed Fridays, Weekends, and Holidays

Deferred Inspection and CBP Form I-94 questions/inquires/corrections may be submitted with supporting documents to You will receive a response within 1-2 weeks, with additional instructions. Please call (612) 727-3415 during posted hours to ensure officer is available to assist with your specific issue or to confirm scheduled appointments.


Carnets Processing
Address: Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, Terminal 2, CBP Cargo Office, 7150 Humphrey Drive, Suite 2168, Minneapolis, MN 55450

Carnets are processed at U.S. Customs and Border Protection office located at Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport in Terminal 2. The office is located on the second floor across from the skyway to parking ramp, adjacent to TSA checkpoint number 2.

Supplemental Information
Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures
Phone Number: 952-857-3100
Email Address:

If you received a Notice of Seizure, Penalty, or Liquidated Damages and have a question, please email In-person meetings with Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures are by appointment only, please email


Here is a list of common inquiries that you must seek information from the appropriate federal agency:

Last Modified: Feb 26, 2025

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