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  5. San Diego, California - 2501

San Diego, California - 2501

Port Type
Port of Entry
Permitted Customs Brokers Listing
Port Code

Location Address

3835 N. Harbor Drive
Terminal 2 West
San Diego, CA 92101
United States

Mailing Address
Same as location address

Phone Contact:
+1 619-491-2600
Fax Number:
+1 619-491-2624
Port Director:
None Specified
Office Hours
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9:00-17:00PST
Tuesday: 9:00-17:00PST
Wednesday: 9:00-17:00PST
Thursday: 9:00-17:00PST
Friday: 9:00-17:00PST
Saturday: Closed

Directions to Port Office

San Diego

Travel to the San Diego International Airport, Terminal 2.  CBP operates in the glass building at the far end of Terminal 2 and reads “International Arrivals.” 

  • CBP does not validate parking. Curbside parking is prohibited and regulated by the airport authority.

General Aviation (GA) Facilities

The Port of San Diego oversees the following GA facilities:

  • McClellan-Palomar (User Fee) Airport (CLD/KCRQ)
  • Brown Field Airport (CBP Landing Rights Airport) (SDM/KSDM)
  • San Diego International Airport (International Airport) (SAN/KSAN)
  • Montgomery-Gibbs Executive Airport (NOT a Landing Rights Airport) (MYF)
  • Gillespie Field (NOT a Landing Rights Airport) (SEE/KSEE)

Landing Rights


All operators intending to enter the U.S. by air must provide advance notice of arrival and obtain permission to land from CBP.  Only after CBP has approved landing rights and the pilot has executed all instructions is the aircraft free to depart with the intent of landing at the designated U.S. port of entry.

Advance Notice of Arrival. The contents for advance notice of arrival are listed in 19 CFR 122.23(c) for unscheduled commercial flights (charter); or 19 CFR 122.22 (b)(4) for private aircraft.  The operator is required to transmit eAPIS information in accordance with 19 CFR § 122.22(a)(3) Manifest data required for private aircraft, or 19 CFR 122.49b(b)(3) Information required for commercial aircraft.

Permission to Land (Landing Rights). Prior to departure from a foreign place, the operator must contact CBP and receive a message approving landing rights. 

Facilities and Crossings

Port of San Diego Airport/Seaport Operations

San Diego International Airport/Seaport Operations
Address: Terminal 2 West
3835 N. Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101
SAN Airport: (619) 491-2600
CBP INFO Center: (877) 227-5511
Fax: (619) 491-2624
Hours of Operations: 06:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. (Pacific), Seven Days Week
After Hours Contact Information: Duty Supervisor at (619) 550-9079 
Operations Office Location: Travel to the San Diego International Airport, Terminal 2.  CBP operates in the glass building at the far end of Terminal 2 and reads “International Arrivals.” 
San Diego Trade & Broker Support
Address: 3835 N. Harbor Drive
Terminal 2 West
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone Number: (619) 491-2680 
Fax: (619) 491-2624
Hours of Operations: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Pacific), Monday - Friday
Trade Office Location:  Inside Terminal 2, the office is located next door to the Global Entry office, in front of Landing Zone "V" 


Firearms Registration & Vehicle Importation: It is recommended to make an  appointment at least two (2) days prior to arrival.  If weapons verification is needed, the weapon must have no live ammunition in the weapon or on the person before they enter the airport.  Weapons handling is prohibited at all times while in the parking lot, terminal or building. 

Vehicle Importations:

Vehicle importations at the PoSD are conducted Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 11:00 pm to 1:00 pm (Pacific Time). Walk-ins are not permitted. Appointments will need to be scheduled in advance by calling (619) 491-2680. All required paperwork must also first be submitted to:
When calling to schedule your appointment, CBP Officers will be available to answer your questions and provide you with any additional information you may need for your appointment. General import vehicle requirements can be found by visiting CBP Website:

1 (877) 227-5511
Option (1): Importation
Option (2): Exportation

McClellan-Palomar (User Fee) Airport
2198 Palomar Airport Rd
Carlsbad, CA 92011 
Phone: (760) 431-4629 
Fax: (760) 431-4644 
Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. (Pacific), Seven Days Week

Palomar Airport Arrival Notifications: (619) 491-2600 or 2601

Private Vessel Arrivals

Pursuant to 19 CFR 4.2, operators of small pleasure vessels, arriving in the United States from a foreign port or place to include any vessel which has visited a hovering vessel or received merchandise outside the territorial sea, are required to report their arrival to CBP immediately (see 19 U.S.C. 1433).

The master of the vessel reports their arrival at the nearest Customs facility or such other place as the Secretary may prescribe by regulations. These reports are tracked in the Pleasure Boat Reporting System. Pursuant to 8 CFR 235.1, an application to lawfully enter the United States must be made in person to a CBP officer at a U.S. port-of-entry when the port is open for inspection.

CBP Reporting Offsite Arrival – Mobile (ROAM)

CBP Reporting Off site Arrival –Mobile (ROAM) The CBP ROAM app is a free mobile application that provides an option for pleasure boaters to report their U.S. entry to CBP via their personal smart device or a tablet located at local businesses to satisfy the above reporting requirements. Contact your local POE to confirm arrival notifications via the CBP ROAM app are accepted. For additional details and how to register using ROAM, please see:…

How do I report if I do not have the ROAM app?

Arrivals may be made at any of the locations listed below. Prior to, or upon arrival, you must immediately notify Customs and Border Protection by calling (619) 491-2600.

Information needed when I call?

All Vessel masters must phone in their arrival and have the following information available:        

  • Name, date of birth and citizenship of all persons on board (including passport number)
  • Name of the boat and/or boat registration number
  • CBP user fee decal number (if 30 feet or longer)
  • Homeport and current location
  • Return contact number

Reporting Locations

Shelter Island Harbor Police Dock (HPD):

Vessels up to 235 Feet
1401 Shelter Island Drive
San Diego, CA 92106 
Hours of Operation: 24 hours, Seven Days Week  

Vessels over 130 Feet
Contact the Harbor Police Communications Center at (619) 686-6272 eight hours prior to arrival and request dock space for a vessel over 130 feet.

There may be occasions when the Harbor Police will direct the vessel to anchor to await space accommodations at the Harbor Police Dock. Dock length is 235-feet and Masters should be aware the water depth adjacent to this dock is 14-feet at MLLW. There are no vertical height restrictions. Note: Upon arrival at the Shelter Island Harbor Police Dock, immediately contact CBP by utilizing the reporting kiosk located at the top of the dock brow.

Vessels under 130 Feet
Vessels under 130 feet may report directly to the Shelter Island Harbor Police Dock. There are no requirements for vessels under 130 feet to contact the Harbor Police prior to arrival. This requirement is only for vessels over 130 feet in length.

Dana Launch Ramp Public Dock

(Vessels with less than a 42- foot vertical clearance and up to 50 feet in length)
1800 Dana Landing Road
San Diego CA. 92109
Hours of Operation: 24 Hours, Seven Days Week

Vessels with less than a 42 - foot vertical clearance and up to 50 feet in length 

Note: Only for use by vessels with less than a 42- foot vertical clearance and up to 50 feet in length.

Boaters choosing to arrive at the Dana Launch Ramp Public Dock must be able to pass under the Ventura Bridge, which has a 42-foot vertical clearance at Mean Low Tide, 0.0 feet and must be less than 50 feet in length. A fuel dock, market and pay phone are located near the dock. Vessels unable to clear the bridge must report to:
Harbor Police Dock
1401 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, CA 92106.

Fifth Avenue Landing:
(Vessels 125 to 300 feet)
600 Convention Way
San Diego CA. 92101
Hours of Operation: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

Vessels between 125 to 300 feet
Note: Only for use by recreational vessels between 125 feet and 300 feet. Arrangements for mooring at the Fifth Avenue Landing must be made by contacting (619) 857-4000 prior to arrival. ***This is not a government phone number and CBP must still be contacted for entrance/clearance.

Last Modified: Mar 05, 2024