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  4. Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Laredo Air Unit (August 2021)

Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Laredo Air Unit (August 2021)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announces the availability of the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) which analyzes potential effects, beneficial and adverse, resulting from the proposed construction and operation of a new Air and Marine Operations Facility in Laredo, Texas.  The proposed Air Branch facility would replace the existing 14,000 ft2 Air Branch facility (hangar and office workspace) which is undersized and does not support current assigned personnel or air assets. The overcrowded conditions do not provide the safest and most secure working environment for personnel.

CBP provided the Draft EA and FONSI for a 30-day public comment period beginning on April 28, 2021.  The notice of availability for the draft was published in the Laredo Morning Times newspaper on April 28, 2021.

Based on the findings of the EA, and after careful review of the potential environmental impacts of implementing the proposed action, CBP finds there would be no significant impact on the quality of the human or natural environment. Therefore, preparation of an environmental impact statement is not required and a FONSI has been issued.

Attachment Ext. Size Date
Draft EA and FONSI for the Laredo Air Unit PDF 8.14 MB 04/28/2021
Final EA for the Laredo Air Unit PDF 8.58 MB 08/26/2021
Final FONSI for the Laredo Air Unit PDF 348.89 KB 08/26/2021
Last Modified: Aug 26, 2021