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  4. Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for a Proposed New Central Processing Facility, U.S. Border Patrol, El Paso Sector, El Paso, Texas (July 2020)

Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for a Proposed New Central Processing Facility, U.S. Border Patrol, El Paso Sector, El Paso, Texas (July 2020)

The public is hereby notified of the availability of the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) prepared by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to address the potential effects, beneficial and adverse, resulting from the proposed construction and operation of a new U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Central Processing Center (CPC) in the USBP El Paso Sector, El Paso, Texas.  The proposed new CPC would be a permanent processing facility constructed to accommodate 965 detainees and a staff of 200 for the processing and temporary detention of migrants who have crossed into the United States.   The facility would be located on an undeveloped parcel of land in northeast El Paso, Texas.  The CPC would be a 113,000 square-foot, one-story facility with 200,000 square feet of parking adjacent to the facility.  Construction would be expected to last 18 months and include earthwork, concrete placement, connection to utilities, paving, installation of a stormwater detention basin, communication tower, perimeter fencing, security lighting, signage, emergency backup power with diesel-fueled generators, and fuel storage containment, and other general improvements.  The total project area would be approximately 10 acres in size.

Last Modified: Jul 30, 2020

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