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I-94 Automation Fact Sheet

To increase efficiency, reduce operating costs, and streamline the admissions process, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has automated the Form I-94 at air and sea ports of entry. The paper form is no longer provided to a traveler upon arrival except in limited circumstances, and at land ports of entry. Travelers are given a CBP admission stamp on their travel document. If a traveler needs a copy of his or her status or I-94 (record of admission) for verification of alien registration, immigration status, or employment authorization, it can be obtained from

This fact sheet contains frequently asked questions about the I-94 (record of admission) automation.


CBP Publication No. 1496-0721

Attachment Ext. Size Date
I-94 Automation Fact Sheet PDF 672.86 KB 07/14/2021
Last Modified: Jul 19, 2021