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September is National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month (NPM) is recognized each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies. It’s an opportunity to remind us that we all must prepare ourselves and our families for whenever an emergency occurs. National Preparedness Month is a perfect time for all employees and their families to make an emergency plan, build an emergency kit, and be prepared for any potential emergency situations.

The goal of NPM is to increase the overall number of individuals, families, and communities that engage in preparedness actions at home, work, business, and school. Everyone should take time to learn lifesaving skills such as CPR and first aid. Be familiar with your insurance policies and ensure proper coverage for the hazards you may face, such as flood, earthquakes, and tornadoes. Make sure to consider the costs associated with disasters and save for an emergency. Also, know how to take practical safety steps, like shutting off water and gas to your residence.

Technology disruptions, the pandemic, hurricanes, and wildfires are only a few of the disasters that have impacted our nation recently. All these events remind us of the importance of preparing for emergencies and disasters. Often, we will be the first ones in our communities to act after a disaster strikes and before first responders arrive, so it is important to prepare in advance to help yourself and your community.

Visit Ready.Gov for more information on how to make a plan, build a kit, get involved, sign up for emergency alerts, and much more.

Thank you for your continued vigilance to help keep our friends, families, and coworkers safe.

Last Modified: Sep 04, 2024
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