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CBPEAP Featured Resources

CBP Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers a wide range of tools to support our workforce. Employees and family members can access toolkits, counselors, webinars, articles and more to help inform, educate and build resiliency.

Each month, CBPEAP features webinars, articles, tips and strategies on specific topics. View current and previous topics or access any of the featured resources below through the CBPEAP site (password: cbpeap), you need to login to CBP EAP first prior to clicking a link below.


On Demand Webinar: Developing Critical Thinking Skills

The ability to make good decisions quickly and to creatively solve problems is what sets some people apart. In fact, for many employers, it is often the most sought after skill set. We all encounter a high volume of information every day. How do we know what is most important or reliable? Though most credit their ability to think critically with their experiences in school, can we cultivate this capacity in our daily personal or professional lives? The answer is yes!

On Demand Webinar: Stress Relief Strategies

Everyone is stressed. The responsibilities of modern living can be overwhelming. But is it really possible to learn techniques and strategies to manage and relieve stress? Yes! In this webinar, we will talk about the symptoms of stress, how they manifest in day-to-day life and ways to effectively manage stress. The goal of this seminar is to help every participant develop willingness to employ at least one new strategy towards feeling less stressed. 

On Demand Webinar: Identity Theft: What Can You Do About It?

Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in America. Around 15.4 million consumers were victims of identity theft or fraud in 2016. The average fraud amount per victim was $1,038. In this seminar, you will learn what identity theft is and how to prevent it. What you should watch out for in your email? What about suspicious text messages? Learn the red flags. And know what to do if it happens to you.




Last Modified: Mar 03, 2025
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