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An official website of the United States government

Employee Recruiter Toolkit

You are CBP's best recruiter!

You live the mission every day. You know what it takes to protect America's citizens, borders, and economic prosperity. Combined with your passion and personal work experiences, this toolkit can help you promote CBP careers in your everyday interactions with people in your network. It features hiring information, FAQs, how-to guides, social media templates, and much more to help you effectively engage with potential CBP candidates during your organic conversations.

Before You Begin

Review these Best Practices for Employee Recruiters to understand how to use the toolkit and how to best engage with candidates and applicants in a meaningful way.

The information provided in this toolkit is for use on an unofficial basis. While CBP's National Recruitment Division has worked across components and program offices to pull the most relevant recruiting and hiring information, review and use of this toolkit does not constitute official CBP recruiter training/certification. 

Consistent with the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech, the Agency may not compel its employees toward its preferred message during their off-duty time. While the Agency may encourage employees to share the Employee Recruiter Toolkit or other positive messages, the Agency may not require that employees communicate any particular message in their capacities as informal recruiters. When off-duty, employees enjoy the freedom to participate in an uninhibited marketplace of ideas so that any informal recruiting efforts should be voluntary. 

For more information about how the Federal ethics laws apply to personal accounts on professional networking platforms, please see the Office of Government Ethics legal advisory that was recently published.

Last Modified: Nov 05, 2024
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