The CBP FOIA Reading Room serves as a central resource for public access to government records, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(2). This room supports transparency and accountability by providing direct access to essential records and information. Visitors can review reports, policies, and other official documents to gain insight into government operations.
FOIA Monthly Reports Fiscal Year 2019 | Monthly FOIA Reports
FOIA Monthly Reports Fiscal Year 2019
FOIA Monthly Reports Fiscal Year 2018 | Monthly FOIA Reports
FOIA Monthly Reports Fiscal Year 2018
Monthly FOIA Logs CY 2014 | FOIA Logs
Monthly FOIA Logs CY 2014
Monthly FOIA Logs CY 2015 | FOIA Logs
Monthly FOIA Logs CY 2015
Monthly FOIA Logs CY 2016 | FOIA Logs
FOIA Monthly Logs CY 2016.
Anduril Surveillance Towers | Executed Contracts/Grants
The contract is for Anduril Surveillance Towers
Enforcement of the Immigration Laws to Serve the National Interest John Kelly February 20, 2017; DHS Directive 044-01-001 June 10, 2015 Implementing Department of Homeland
Seattle Field Office Heightened Vigilance January 1, to January 8, 2020 | Frequently Requested Records
Records regarding the screening of individuals of Iranian heritage at within the Seattle Field Office Area of Responsibility (AOR) between January 1, 2020-January 8, 2020.
National Guard Border Deployment 2018
Encounters with humanitarian groups to include No Mas Muertes, No More Deaths, NMD , Humane Borders, Missing Migrant Initiative, Kino Border Initiative, United States Catholic Bishops
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