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  4. Two days: Four gang members arrested in Rio Grande Valley

Two days: Four gang members arrested in Rio Grande Valley

Release Date
Mon, 07/02/2018

EDINBURG, Texas – In two days, U.S. Border patrol agents across the Rio Grande Valley, arrested four gang members.

Rio Grande City station agents arrested a Honduran national near Roma, Texas. His records revealed that he is a confirmed Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang member.

The Fort Brown agents possessed a Salvadoran national record checks exposed an extensive criminal history as well as an active warrant in El Salvador. The man is also a confirmed 18th Street Gang member.

McAllen agents arrested a Salvadoran national near Mission, Texas. Record checks showed that the man is a member of the 18th Street gang.

McAllen agents arrested a Salvadoran national near McAllen, Texas. His record checks revealed that he is a Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang member.

All the individuals were referred for prosecution and their prior orders of removal will be reinstated.

The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in our communities and to help save lives by reporting suspicious activity at 800-863-9382. RGV currently has multiple campaigns, like “Operation Big Rig” and “No Se Arriesgue” to combat smuggling and ultimately save lives.

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Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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