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CBP Releases May 2022 Monthly Operational Update

Release Date
Wed, 06/15/2022

WASHINGTON – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) today released operational statistics for May 2022, which can be viewed on the CBP Enforcement Statistics page.

“Current restrictions at the U.S. border have not changed: single adults and families encountered at the Southwest Border will continue to be expelled, where appropriate, under Title 42,” said CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus. “As temperatures start to rise in the summer, human smugglers will continue to exploit vulnerable populations and recklessly endanger the lives of migrants for financial gain. The terrain along the Southwest Border is extreme, the summer heat is severe, and the miles of desert that migrants must hike after crossing the border are unforgiving. Our message to those who would try and gain illegal entry to the United States remains the same – don’t make the dangerous journey only to be sent back.”

CBP Southwest Border Enforcement Numbers for May 2022

The large number of expulsions during the pandemic has contributed to a higher-than-usual number of migrants making multiple border crossing attempts, which means that total encounters somewhat overstate the number of unique individuals arriving at the border.

  • The number of unique individuals encountered nationwide in May 2022 was 177,793, a 15 percent increase in the number of unique enforcement encounters over the prior month.
  • In total, there were 239,416 encounters along the southwest land border in May, a 2 percent increase compared to April. Of those, 25 percent involved individuals who had at least one prior encounter in the previous 12 months, compared to an average one-year re-encounter rate of 15 percent for FY2014-2019.
  • 69 percent of all southwest land border encounters were single adults, with 165,200 encounters in May, a 2 percent decrease compared to April.
  • 100,699 southwest land border encounters, 42 percent of the total, were processed for expulsion under Title 42. 138,717 southwest land border encounters were processed under Title 8.
    • 90,650 encounters involving single adults (55 percent of all single adult encounters) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 74,550 processed under Title 8.
    • 9,850 encounters involving family unit individuals (17 percent of all family unit individuals) were processed for expulsion under Title 42, with 49,432 processed under Title 8.

Unaccompanied Children

  • Encounters of unaccompanied children along the southwest land border increased 21 percent, with 14,699 encounters in May compared with 12,180 in April. In May, the average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody was 692 per day, compared with an average of 479 per day in April.

Family Unit individuals

  • Encounters of family unit individuals along the southwest land border increased by 8 percent from 55,092 in April to 59,282 in May—which is a 32 percent decrease from the peak of 86,631 in August 2021.

Preparations for a Potential Increase in Migration

Current restrictions at the U.S. border have not changed. Single adults and families encountered at the Southwest Border continue to be expelled, where appropriate, under the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Title 42 public health authority. Individuals who are not expelled under Title 42 and do not have a legal basis to remain in the U.S. generally are placed in either expedited removal or full removal proceedings.

In response to the increase in migration being experienced by nations across the Hemisphere, DHS is executing a comprehensive, whole-of-government plan to manage increases in the number of migrants encountered at our border, as outlined by Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas in an April 26 memo.

That includes surging resources, increasing efficiencies, administering consequences, bolstering capacity of non-governmental organizations, targeting and disrupting transnational criminal organizations and smugglers, and deterring irregular migration in partnership with other agencies across the federal government and with nations throughout the hemisphere.

International Travel and Trade

One of CBP’s core mission objectives is to enhance the nation’s economic prosperity, including through the facilitation of lawful trade and travel. CBP continues to protect America’s national and economic security by facilitating legitimate trade while rigorously enforcing U.S. customs laws and regulations.

Count May 2020 May 2021 % May 2021 Change from May 2020 May 2022 % May 2022 Change from May 2020 % May 2022 Change from May
Air 272,578 4,043,238 +1483% 8,718,145 +3,198% +216%
Passenger Vehicles 8,527,887 12,460,043 +146% 15,934,289 +187% +128%
Pedestrians 1,383,731 2,454,942 +177% 3,488,771 +252% +142%
Commercial Trucks 765,254 1,045,857 +137% 722,526 -5.6% -31%

Since travel restrictions were eased on November 8, CBP has processed increased numbers of arriving travelers without any significant delays. The new rules allow travelers who are noncitizen non-lawful permanent residents to seek to enter the United States for non-essential travel via land ports of entry and ferry terminals, provided they are fully vaccinated and have appropriate documentation.

CBP will continue to track traveler numbers and wait times over the next few months and continue to adjust as needed to make the travel experience more efficient. In the meantime, travelers can plan by doing the following:

  • Have a valid Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative document, such as a passport, Trusted Traveler Program card, or Enhanced Tribal Card.
  • Possess proof of an approved COVID-19 vaccination as outlined on the CDC website.
  • Verbally attest to their travel intent and COVID-19 vaccination status.
  • Be prepared to present any documents requested by the CBP officer.

Accountability and Transparency

As part of the agency’s continuing effort to promote organizational accountability and transparency, CBP announced the release of its Report on Internal Investigations and Employee Accountability: Fiscal Year 2020. For FY2020, CBP leadership directed the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and Human Resources Management (HRM) to generate a joint report combining information regarding allegation intake and misconduct investigations with information regarding disciplinary outcomes. CBP is committed to being a leader in law enforcement accountability and transparency by providing multiple ways to report incidents as well as timely, accurate, and appropriate information regarding CBP-related deaths, use of force incidents, and other critical incidents resulting in serious injuries. The Accountability and Transparency page provides the public with statements, policies, reports, and other important information concerning critical incidents and related OPR reviews and investigations.

Trade Stats/Seizures – Protecting the American Consumer

CBP works diligently with the trade community and port operators to ensure that merchandise is cleared as efficiently as possible. CBP works with the trade community to strengthen international supply chains and improve border security. There are several programs by which CBP works with importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers to advance information about the shipments and expedite the inspection process at the ports of entry. CBP is available to conduct exams and is ready and willing to expand hours of operations if necessary to meet the growing demand for imported goods.

In May 2022 alone, CBP processed more than 3 million entry summaries valued at more than $294 billion, identifying estimated duties of nearly $8.6 billion to be collected by the U.S. government. In May, trade via the ocean environment accounted for more than 45 percent of the total import value, followed by air, truck, and rail.

In May, CBP completed 40 audits that identified $20.7 million in duties and fees owed to the U.S. government, stemming from goods that had been improperly declared in accordance with U.S. trade laws and customs regulations. Fiscal Year 2022 to date, CBP has completed 237 audits and agency advisory services that identified $366 million in duties and fees owed to the U.S. government. CBP collected $19 million of this identified revenue

Intellectual property rights violations continue to put America’s innovation economy at risk. Trade in counterfeit and pirated goods threaten the competitiveness of U.S. businesses, the livelihoods of American workers, and the health and safety of consumers.

In May 2022, CBP seized nearly 1,695 shipments that contained counterfeit goods valued at more than $257 million.

Drug Seizures

CBP officers, Border Patrol agents, and Air and Marine Operations agents continue to interdict the flow of illicit narcotics across the border. Nationwide, drug seizures (Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Heroin, Fentanyl, and Marijuana) by weight were down 22 percent in May compared to April. Seizures were as follows:

  • Cocaine seizures decreased 22 percent
  • Methamphetamine decreased 23 percent
  • Heroin seizures decreased 29 percent
  • Fentanyl seizures decreased 12 percent

Additional CBP can be found on the Drug Seizure Statistics page.

Agriculture Stats/Seizures – Securing American Agriculture

In May 2022, CBP agriculture specialists helped protect America’s agriculture, natural resources, and economic prosperity.

  • CBP issued 6,025 emergency action notifications for restricted and prohibited plant and animal products entering the United States.
  • CBP conducted 86,997 positive passenger inspections and issued 616 civil penalties and/or violations to the traveling public for failing to declare prohibited agriculture items.

CBP COVID-19 Response

The safety of our workforce, our communities, and individuals in our care is a top priority. CBP personnel put themselves and their families at risk with every encounter with the public.

Since the start of the pandemic:

  • More than 26,777 CBP employees have tested positive for COVID-19.
  • 64 have passed away.

CBP continues to explore adjustments to workforce posture and health protocols based on widespread vaccine access and easing public health metrics:

  • CBP provides migrants who can’t be expelled under the CDC’s Title 42 order or are awaiting processing with PPE from the moment they are taken into custody, and migrants are required to keep masks on at all times.
  • CBP works with appropriate agencies that facilitate testing, diagnosis, isolation, and treatment of migrants, including:
    • Local governments and non-governmental organizations for persons released from CBP custody;
    • ICE for testing of persons to be released from CBP custody, particularly in locations without local government or NGO testing capability; and,
    • HHS for testing of unaccompanied children.

DHS has developed a partnership model to test and isolate families who test positive for COVID-19, and reimburse 100 percent of the cost, provided that the state does not stand in the way.


Last Modified: Jan 28, 2025