The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Newsroom section includes a wide variety of news from CBP including media releases, photo and video galleries, fact sheets and publications. This section also includes Frontline, a multimedia publication.
Media Releases
San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents locate missing child | Local Media Release
CAMPO, Calif. — San Diego Border Patrol agents stopped a suspicious vehicle while on patrol this week. The driver was wanted for an alleged child abduction.
Progreso CBP officers apprehend man wanted on felony warrant for failure to appear on sexual assault of a child charge | Local Media Release
PROGRESO, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at Progreso Port of Entry yesterday encountered a man wanted in the Hidalgo County area on an outstanding felony…
CBP officers seize over $6.3 million in narcotics at World Trade Bridge | Local Media Release
LAREDO, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Field Operations officers assigned to the World Trade Bridge seized narcotics over the weekend that totaled over $6,…
CBP officers intercept three monkeys at Brownsville and Matamoros International Bridge | Local Media Release
BROWNSVILLE, Texas – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Brownsville and Matamoros International Bridge intercepted three live monkeys in a vehicle in a…
U.S. Border Patrol’s El Paso Sector and partners urge against illegal border crossing during holiday winter months | Local Media Release
El Paso, TexasEL PASO, Texas — U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector, in coordination with federal, state and local law enforcement, urges caution and emphasizes the severe dangers associated with…